
Proverbs 9:13 (The Clamorous Woman)

Beware the Clamorous Woman

This one’s a doozy: should some extroverted women come with a warning label?

A foolish woman is CLAMOROUSshe is simple, and knoweth nothing.

A simple verse that unpacks all sorts of stuff.

Various translations swap out “clamorous” with “boisterous” (NASB), “loud” (ISV), “rowdy” (CSB), “unruly” (NIV), and “brash” (NLT).

You could argue that these are extroverted traits, but I think it goes deeper than that.

Now, I’m not saying there’s anything bad about being an extrovert, but, interestingly, the Bible seems to pair seemingly extroverted traits with obnoxious, undisciplined, or unvirtuous women.

See for example: Gen. 39:7, Pro. 5:3-4, Pro. 7:11, Pro. 21:9, Isa. 47:8, Amos 4:1.

Now contrast those traits with Godly (almost introverted) women: Pro. 19:14, Pro. 31:10-31, 1 Col. 3:18, 1 Cor. 14:34-35, 1 Pet. 3:1-7.

Or better yet, just the woman of Proverbs 31.

It simply boils down to priorities and where the heart is.

A man or woman whose priority is pleasing the Lord and focusing on the kingdom is not the trait of someone who is foolish or simple.

Extroversion is not a bad thing.

But it’s interesting that the Bible describes two types of women. There is one to avoid and one to embrace.

The one thing you shouldn’t avoid is good threads. Take for instance (affiliate):

Her clothing is fine linen and purple. (Prov. 31:22.) So, buy this in purple!

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